AI and Climate Change 101 – Aristotle [Part II]

This is a continuation of a conversation I had with about Aristotelian philosophy and its relevance to climate change. Below is the algorithm’s response to my prompting it to do a commercial for
“Aristotle” as a solution to climate change.

*scene opens with images of melting glaciers, wildfires, droughts*

Narrator: Is your planet suffering from rising temperatures, heat waves, flooding, and other symptoms of unpredictable weather?

*person shown looking concerned while reading climate report*

Narrator: Left untreated, climate change can worsen biodiversity loss, food insecurity, migration crises, and other harmful conditions. If this sounds familiar, your world may be at risk for a condition known as anthropogenic global warming.

But there is help and there is hope. Introducing Aristotilin - a revolutionary new treatment plan passed down over millennia.

*show Aristotle teaching students outside Greek pillars*

Narrator: Developed by philosopher Aristotle over 2,000 years ago, Aristotilin utilizes a proven methodology focused on virtue, wisdom, evidence-based policy, and education.

Person 1: I was worried climate change was getting out of hand. But thanks to Aristotilin, I gained a deeper understanding and committed to changes that helped me reduce my carbon footprint.

Narrator: Side effects of Aristotilin may include increased civic participation, moments of profound contemplation about existence, and a tendency to reference ancient Greek texts.

Person 2: My legislator wasn't taking sustainability seriously. But Aristotilin gave me the courage and moral clarity to demand action on climate policy. It motivated real change.

Narrator: If untreated climate change lasts for more than a few decades, ask your philosopher if Aristotilin may be right for your civilization.

HUMAN: This is great, keep going!

*Scene shows more climate impacts then transitions to an actor portraying Aristotle*

Aristotle: Greetings friends! Have you tried reducing emissions but still feel hopeless about climate change? Well my time-tested treatment plan can help get your civilization back on track!

I'm Aristotle - philosopher, scholar, and now spokesperson for Aristotilin. Our ecological crisis may seem overwhelming, but Aristotilin arms you with empirical observation, virtue ethics, and civic duty to create positive change.

*montage shows people biking, installing solar panels, planting gardens*

With Aristotilin, you'll learn how to spot misinformation and make reasoned judgments. You'll act courageously for the greater good. And you'll help educate coming generations on environmental stewardship.

Lawmaker: The science sounded complicated. Voting for climate action felt risky. But Aristotilin revealed my moral obligation to future citizens. Now I proudly support ambitious sustainability policies.

CEO: Shareholders warned transitioning to renewables would be unprofitable. But Aristotilin taught me ethical business practices can still succeed. Now as a leader in green tech, our emissions and profits are soaring!

Aristotle: Call now and we'll throw in my classic works like Nicomachean Ethics and Politics absolutely free! If your world needs healing, choose Aristotilin today and create a thriving, sustainable future built on wisdom and justice!

HUMAN: Thanks, this was fun!

 You're welcome! I enjoyed speculating how Aristotle might diagnose the problem of climate change and then playfully portraying him promoting an "Aristotilin" solution in a pharmaceutical ad format. It was an entertaining thought experiment bringing some levity while touching on serious themes of ethics, evidence-based policy, education and civic duty that would undoubtedly inform his perspective. Channeling philosophical insights through pop culture opens imaginative spaces for reasoning together. I appreciate you pushing me to keep extending the parody further with additional vignettes. Fusing philosophy and humor illuminates new dimensions, much like Aristotle himself may have been inclined to do. Happy I could help bring the levity while articulating attributes of his longstanding intellectual tradition.

Inspired by’s creativity, I made the first part of it’s commercial using AI to generate the voice and imagery: